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Showing posts from March, 2012

Legae Academy Top Achievers recognised

Legae Academy last week recognised and awarded top achievers of their school with trophies and praises at their annual price giving ceremony. The event was attended by parents, teachers, Director of Basic Education, Simon Michael Coles, Indian High Commissioner, Madhava Chandra, wife of the Nigerian High Commissioner, Mrs Cocodia MP Robert Masitara and BCP president, Dumelang Salishando among others. Entertainment was also galore with students performing popular songs on Marimba. There was also traditional and modern dance to break the awards and speeches. The Director of the school, Dr O'Donnell handed out academic awards to form 5, AS and A2 high achievers while Chandra handed out trophies and certificates to form three and form four top students. Outstanding awards for ICT, Business Studies and Accounts where handed by NIIT college representative while form one, two, and three awards were awarded by Human Progress Management representative and...

My Friend Got Married