The National Primary School Heads Conference (NPHSC) and other stakeholders broke ground at the home of a poor Ramotswa family where they are going to build a three bedroomed house. The Diseko family leaves in a tin shack with their 16 children and grand children at Sephitshwane ward in Ramotswa. The NPHSC which comprises of 775 primary school headteachers from 10 regions undertook to help the family after consulting with the Department of Social and Community Development to bring forward candidates to benefit from their kind gesture. According toNPHSC Chairman, Elias Segwagwe, when the school headteachers met for their annual conference, they decided to be compassionate and gave food hampers to a poor man in Tlokweng and a poor woman and her children in Mogoditshane. “But we heard that the food basket would not be enough in Ramotswa because the family needed a house,” he said. Segwagwe said they approached businesses to help them with the task since they didn't have enough money. ...