Startling events unfolded at the University of Botswana as a person was reportedly found bathing with unfamiliar items, including documents believed to be linked to a student who had tragically taken their own life, according to Moeladilotlhoko News Boiler report. This bizarre incident prompted their handover to the police, leaving students with numerous questions.
Concerned individuals within the university community have voiced their astonishment and bewilderment, with one comment reflecting, "We know everyone who lives here, so this raises many concerns." The unexpected discovery has led to an ongoing investigation, further complicated by the discovery of a wallet and a book belonging to a student who had passed away in the early hours.
As the university community grapples with these mysterious developments, many are left wondering about the circumstances surrounding this unsettling incident. An update is anticipated to shed more light on this perplexing matter.
This puzzling turn of events at the University of Botswana has left the campus community, as well as the wider public, both shocked and curious about the unfolding situation.
In accordance with the powers vested in him by Section 112 of the Constitution of the Republic of Botswana, His Excellency Dr. Mokweetsi E.K. Masisi, the President of the Republic of Botswana, has appointed Mr. Cornelius Karlens Dekop as the Governor of the Bank of Botswana, effective from October 23, 2023. Mr. Dekop, a distinguished professional with a Master of Arts degree in Development Economics from William College, United States, brings with him over 28 years of experience in the Botswana civil service and the African Development Bank. His career has been marked by expertise in the management of public finances and budgetary matters. Notable highlights from Mr. Dekop's career include his role as the former Executive Director, Southern Africa Group I Constituency, African Development Bank, from August 2019 to July 2022. He also served as the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology, and Energy from April 2018 to May 2019. Between August 2011...
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